Changes to the text of the Manual "Prevention and Counteraction to Manifestations of Violence: Activities of Educational Institutions"

We want to inform about Addition to the educational and methodological manual "Prevention and countermeasures against manifestations of violence: activities of educational institutions. Educational and methodological manual./ Andreenkova V.L., Baidyk V.V., Voitsyakh T.V., Kalashnyk O.A. etc. - K.: FOP Nothing S.O. - 2020. - 196 p.

In connection with the loss of validity of paragraph 1 of the Resolution of the CMU of October 3, 2018 No. 800 "The procedure for the interaction of state authorities, local self-government bodies, institutions and institutions during the provision of social protection for children who are in difficult life circumstances, in particular, that may threaten their life and health, approved" on the basis of Resolution of the CM No. 585 dated 01.06.2020, we propose changes to the text of the manual in the matter of "cruel treatment of a child".

You can download the updated version of the manual at link