

Війна посилила ризики потрапляння в ситуацію торгівлі людьми

The war increased the risks of falling into a situation of human trafficking

July 30 is the World Day Against Human Trafficking. For our fellow citizens, the risks of falling into a situation of human trafficking, exploitation and violence have increased after the start of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine... Read more...
«Війна не відміняє дитинство». Як підтримати дітей та підлітків: поради від психологинь, експерток Національної гарячої лінії для дітей та молоді Громадської організації «Ла Страда-Україна»

"War does not cancel childhood." How to support children and adolescents: advice from psychologists, experts of the National Hotline for Children and Youth of the Public Organization "La Strada-Ukraine"

War is an extremely traumatic event. And for us adults, it is difficult to remain psychologically stable in conditions of danger, terrible news and "emotional swings". And it is much more difficult for children and teenagers: their psyche has not yet formed protective mechanisms, as in an adult, and the impact of war is experienced more painfully. ... Read more...
Війна не скасовує потребу протидіяти домашньому насильству

War does not eliminate the need to address domestic violence

The full-scale war currently underway in Ukraine has not erased domestic violence from our lives. What are the features of combating this phenomenon and how to protect victims from it in emergency conditions? ... Read more...
Сексуальне насильство під час війни: як притягти кривдників до відповідальності

Sexual violence in wartime: how to bring perpetrators to justice

Legal assistance to people affected by sexual violence in the conditions of war is complicated by many circumstances. It is difficult or even impossible to get not only legal, but also medical and psychological help in the territories where active hostilities are taking place or which are temporarily occupied by the Russian military... Read more...
Сексуальне насильство в умовах війни: алгоритм допомоги

Sexual violence in the conditions of war: a help algorithm

Sexual violence is a sensitive topic even in peacetime, but in times of war, the problem is exacerbated. With each news about the liberated territories, unfortunately, new cases of sexual violence by the Russian occupiers against Ukrainian women and men become known. ... Read more...
Як підтримати дитину та захистити від насильства

How to support a child and protect against violence

International Children's Day is celebrated on June 1. The holiday is associated with the end of the school year, the beginning of summer and the taste of children's freedom. However, where there is freedom, there must be special caution. ... Read more...