Intersectoral round table "Prevention and response to cases of violence and bullying in educational institutions"

Intersectoral round table "Prevention and response to cases of violence and bullying in educational institutions" Do you agree with the opinion that a person is shaped by the environment in which he is? If so, then you realize how important it is to have a friendly atmosphere and healthy relationships between peers, between students and teachers, as well as in teaching staff in educational institutions where individuals grow and form. …

International round table: "News of the legislation on prevention and combating domestic violence"

International Roundtable: "New legislation on prevention and countering domestic violence" 91,221 reports of committed offenses and other events related to domestic violence were registered by the National Police of Ukraine in 8 months of 2019. 708 criminal offenses provided for in Art. 126-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Domestic violence", registered by the National Police of Ukraine for 8 months of 2019. 17,341 appeals to the National ...

Educational training "Basic skills of a mediator of the service of understanding of educational institutions"

Educational training "Basic skills of a mediator of the service of understanding of educational institutions" "... was the magic of the training. To see how different children find something in common, group rituals are born, joint jokes are created. When even the most shy express their thoughts. This is an atmosphere of security (and in the East it acquires a special meaning)", this is how a participant of the educational training "Basic skills of a mediator of the service of understanding of educational institutions" responds. Last week there was...

Istanbul Convention

On August 1, 2014, the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) entered into force. The document was opened for signature on May 11, 2011 in Istanbul, and obliges governments that have ratified it to take concrete measures to combat all forms of violence against women. As of today, the Istanbul Convention has been ratified 34 ...

Opening of the All-Ukrainian photo exhibition "Legal help is nearby"

Opening of the All-Ukrainian photo exhibition "Legal assistance is nearby" A person is above all else! Today, under this slogan, the All-Ukrainian photo exhibition "Legal help is nearby" was opened, which will soon travel throughout Ukraine. The event is timed to the first Kyiv international conference "Free legal aid as a tool of social justice", which took place on September 10-12. During the photo exhibition, the Ukrainian experience in providing legal assistance to socially vulnerable categories was presented...