Contacts Contacts For all questions that interest you, please contact: Ukraine, 03113, Kyiv - 113, a/s 26E-mail: Contacts for mass media: Telegram, Viber: +38 063 300 30 34E-mail: National hotline for the prevention of domestic violence, human trafficking and gender discrimination: The line works around the clockBy numbers 0 800 500 335 (from landline) or 116 123 (from mobile) Calls are free, anonymous, confidential. National hotline for children and youth Around the clockBy numbers 0 800 500 225 (from landline) or 116 111 (from mobile)Calls are free, anonymous, confidential. Electronic counseling channels: Email NHL116123Messenger lastradaukraineSkype lastrada-ukraine Telegram CHL116111Instagram childhotline_uaFacebook childhotline.ukraine