Training center

Training center "La Strada-Ukraine" is a center for the development and publication of educational and methodological, scientific and educational literature, information materials, development of educational and training programs.

The specialists of the training center develop and conduct educational and methodological activities on the following topics:

Combating human trafficking

Prevention of gender-based violence

Prevention and countermeasures against domestic violence

Prevention and combating violence against children

Combating violence and bullying

Rules of safe behavior

Preventing sexual violence during military conflict

Gender equality. Anti-discrimination

Gender culture

Human Rights

Child rights

Prevention of commercial sexual exploitation of children

Safe work on the Internet

 Activities of the National Children's Hotline

 Prevention of involving children in dangerous quests

Resolving conflicts peacefully.


Restorative practices

  Basic skills of mediators in educational institutions and the community

 Women's participation in peacebuilding

Socio-pedagogical and psychological work with children of labor migrants

Socio-pedagogical and psychological work with children and families in conflict conditions

Correctional work with offenders

Peculiarities of consideration of cases related to domestic violence, etc


For the target audience:

– Pedagogical workers

- Social workers

- Employees of the National Police of Ukraine

- Prosecutors

- Judges

- Human rights defenders

- Employees of the free legal aid system

- Medical workers

- Pupils, pupils, students of educational institutions

- Public representatives