

Однакові, але не рівноправні: час покласти край ґендерній нерівності!

Equal, but not equal: time to put an end to gender inequality!

Equal, but not equal: time to put an end to gender inequality! A society that is characterized by democratic values and that gravitates towards the supremacy of rights ... Read more...
Як допомогти собі, щоб не допустити хронічного стресу

How to help yourself to prevent chronic stress

During the New Year's bustle, a feeling of anxiety may arise: for the results of the year or plans for the next. Very often there is fear and ... Read more...
Ґендерно зумовлене та домашнє насильство під час повномасштабної війни: основні виклики та потужні інструменти протидії

Gender-Based and Domestic Violence in All-out War: Key Challenges and Powerful Countermeasures

How the full-scale war reflected on the situation with gender-based and domestic violence in Ukraine, what challenges appeared in the field of combating this phenomenon, as well as the importance of the action "16 days against violence" and the ratification of the Istanbul Convention to combat gender-based violence in the context of full-scale war... Read more...
Як Стамбульська конвенція допоможе протидіяти ґендерно зумовленому та домашньому насильству?

How will the Istanbul Convention help combat gender-based and domestic violence?

Why is this important and how exactly will it help to combat gender-based and domestic violence? Kateryna Borozdina, vice president of the public organization "La Strada - Ukraine" tells... Read more...
Домашнє насильство під час війни: як постраждалим отримати допомогу?

Domestic violence during war: how can victims get help?

Why is it important to continue working with the problem of domestic violence despite the war and how exactly can victims get help? Maryna Legenka, vice president of the public organization "La Strada - Ukraine" tells... Read more...

New surge of "death groups" in social networks: how to protect children and teenagers?

At the beginning of August, a new episode of mass distribution of so-called "death squads" began in Ukraine - public places where children and teenagers are manipulated to harm themselves and even commit suicide. What can parents do to protect their children? ... Read more...