

Гострі кути законопроекту, яким встановлюється відповідальність за сексизм

The sharp corners of the bill establishing responsibility for sexism

In the last few days, a significant number of appeals by media representatives related to draft laws registered in the VRU, concerning manifestations of sexism and establishing responsibility for this act. What is it about? ... Read more...
Протидія торгівлі людьми: виклики пандемії COVID-19

Combating Human Trafficking: Challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic

We continue to inform about monitoring activities. In order to analyze the situation of a possible increase in vulnerability to falling into a situation of human trafficking and strengthening ... Read more...
Протидія торгівлі людьми: моніторинг ситуації та реагування. Дайджест №4

Combating human trafficking: monitoring the situation and responding. Digest #4

The COVID-19 pandemic remains a relevant factor affecting the human trafficking situation and the response to it. The next waves of increasing morbidity, ... Read more...
Запобігання та протидія ґендерно зумовленому, і зокрема домашньому, насильству щодо українок за кордоном: що далі?

Prevention and counteraction of gender-based, and in particular domestic, violence against Ukrainian women abroad: what next?

#SafeAnywhereILive #SAIL #ВсюдыВБезпеци In our past publications (, https: // we mentioned the story of Alexandra, who suffered from domestic violence from ... Read more...
Запобігання та протидія домашньому та ґендерно зумовленому насильству щодо українок за кордоном

Prevention and countermeasures against domestic and gender-based violence against Ukrainian women abroad

#SafeAnywhereILive #SAIL #SafeAnywhere Preventing and countering domestic and gender-based violence against Ukrainian women abroad and the UN Committee on the Elimination of ... Read more...
Запобігання та протидія домашньому та ґендерно зумовленому насильству щодо українок за кордоном

Prevention and countermeasures against domestic and gender-based violence against Ukrainian women abroad

#SafeAnywhereILive #SAIL #SafeAnywhere Preventing and countering domestic and gender-based violence against Ukrainian women abroad The problem of domestic and gender-based ... Read more...