Courses for judges "Features of proceedings regarding crimes committed on the basis of gender"

Activities to institutionalize the training course for judges "Peculiarities of proceedings regarding crimes committed on the basis of gender", which was developed by the National School of Judges of Ukraine, NGO "La Strada - Ukraine" and DCAF as part of the EU Project "PRAVO-JUSTICE", continue.

Interesting discussions and questions, examples from judicial practice, the opportunity to look at certain facts from different points of view, challenges and the search for solutions - during three days, all these issues were discussed at the training for judge-trainers, who will later teach this course in the regional branches of the National schools of judges.

The subject of the course, which covers the following components, is not simple, but very relevant:

  • Crimes against sexual freedom and integrity;
  • Peculiarities of qualification and demarcation of certain types of crimes committed on the basis of gender;
  • Peculiarities of consideration of criminal proceedings regarding crimes committed under the article;
  • Crimes against sexual freedom in conditions of armed conflict.