Prevention and countermeasures against manifestations of violence: activities of educational institutions

A safe and violence-free environment in educational institutions = quality education and personal development.

On October 27-29, 2020, specialists of the NGO "La Strada-Ukraine" in partnership with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Departments of Education and Science of the Luhansk Regional State Administration and the Donetsk Regional State Administration, held an educational and methodological training for trainers "Prevention and combating manifestations of violence: activities of educational institutions" for 20 female teachers from 10 basic educational institutions implementing the concept of "Safe and child-friendly schools".

During the training, emphasis was placed on:
– Formation of the ability to distinguish forms of violence;
– Analysis of the causes, manifestations and consequences of violence, gender-based violence, domestic violence, bullying
- Formation of skills for identification of victims of violence, harsh treatment, domestic violence, bullying
Development of response algorithms, identification of needs and redirection of children affected by violence, abuse, domestic violence, bullying.

Methodical training support - Educational and methodological manual "Prevention and countermeasures against manifestations of violence: activities of educational institutions/ Andreenkova V.L., Baidyk V.V., Voitsyakh T.V., Kalashnyk O.A. etc. - K.: FOP Nothing S.O. - 2020. - 196 p.

Without stopping, we are moving further towards the creation of a non-violent environment in educational institutions!