Statement of the NGO Platform of the International Association of La Strada on the impact of COVIN-19 on the protection of the rights of victims of human trafficking and exploitation
"The crisis caused by the emergence and spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected all countries and societies. Most European states are taking restrictive measures to prevent the widespread spread of COVID-19 and reduce risks to public health. Although the new situation affects everyone, it has a particularly negative impact on marginalized communities, including the thousands of migrants who work in Europe in low-paid and exploitative jobs, supporting European countries by compensating for labor shortages.
Currently, in a time of crisis, inequality and discrimination not only increase the risks of violence and brutal exploitation against the most vulnerable categories of persons, but also expose them to the risk of infection, which in turn can potentially lead to further accusations of being a threat to public health. health.
Many of them are women, men and children who are in an unsettled and unstable situation. They often face abuse and exploitation as they try to survive on the streets, in private homes, in bars, restaurants, shops, on farmland and elsewhere on the fringes of society. Although both women and men can be victims of severe forms of labor exploitation, women are generally more likely than men to be employed in the informal sector, which is not covered by labor laws or social protection.
The International Association of La Strada calls for attention to the complex situation of victims of human trafficking and persons vulnerable to human trafficking, exploitation and abuse, as well as for the implementation of targeted measures to ensure their protection and support, to prevent discrimination and unequal treatment..."
The full text of the statement can be found at the link