What does mediation give to students?
- An active position of a peacemaker is being formed among schoolchildren
- The desire to move forward
- The ability to listen, trust, talk about your problems, communicate with each other
- Our graduate mediators use the acquired skills in their professional activities
These are just a few reviews from pedagogues-mediators.
- What are the current directions of peer mediation?
- How to further develop the activities of reconciliation services?
- How to increase the competence of peer mediators?
These and other questions were worked out during the educational and methodical seminar "Actual directions of implementation of peer mediation. Development of understanding services in an educational institution".
The seminar was held within the framework of the project "Creation and support of educational systems for the prevention and response to cases of violence and the implementation of peer mediation in the conflict-affected Eastern regions of Ukraine", which is jointly funded by the NGO "La Strada-Ukraine" and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) support of the European Union, the Government of Japan.