
Кампанія до Міжнародного дня захисту дітей

Campaign for International Children's Day

Campaign for the International Children's Day The NGO "La Strada - Ukraine" implemented a campaign in cooperation with the International Children's Day... Read more...
Якщо тобі погано - не мовчи:  7TEEN’S у новому відео «Кричу» закликає  підлітків не залишатись з переживаннями наодинці

If you feel bad - don't be silent: 7TEEN'S in the new video "Shout" urges teenagers not to be alone with their feelings

Youth band 7TEEN'S presents a new track and video work "Scream". Participants continue to talk about teenage life and feelings in their work. This time, the band paid attention to the inner experiences, because of which teenagers often close in on themselves. ... Read more...
Освітній хаб Google Знання допоможе знайти ресурси для розвитку кожного в Україні

The educational hub of Google Knowledge will help you find resources for the development of everyone in Ukraine

Recently, the Google Knowledge educational hub was launched in Ukraine. With the launch of this hub, Google wants to help Ukrainians acquire new skills and develop careers, and Ukraine to move towards digitalization of education, despite difficult times. Ukraine became the first country in the world where a local version of this educational hub was presented ... Read more...
«Вихід є!» - нова PR-кампанія з протидії домашньому насильству стартувала в Україні

"There is a way out!" - a new PR campaign to combat domestic violence was launched in Ukraine

NGO "La Strada-Ukraine" launched the PR campaign "There is a way out!", the main character of which is the famous Ukrainian TV presenter, actress, screenwriter, producer and director Daria Tregubova. The campaign is designed to show that women in a situation of domestic violence are not alone, help is nearby, and there is always a way out of this situation, and to provide a clear algorithm of actions if a woman has suffered from domestic violence ... Read more...
Перша гаряча лінія з цифрової безпеки

The first digital security hotline

In Ukraine, launch the first digital security hotline in Eastern and Central Europe NADIYNO. This is an online platform where you can chat with a specialist to solve any digital security issue quickly, confidentially, and most importantly, for free... Read more...
В Україні працює чат-бот  «Допомога постраждалим від сексуального насильства, пов'язаного з війною»

Chatbot "Helping victims of war-related sexual violence" works in Ukraine

The non-governmental organization "La Strada - Ukraine" in cooperation with the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine developed and launched a chatbot for victims of war-related sexual violence - @survivors_support_bot. ... Read more...